Student Blogs

Irish Feet Are Running

March 13th, 2012 apcook15

Hello, all, after a restful and (if I may say so) well-deserved Spring Break.

There were no exotic destinations for yours truly, just the comfort of my own bed and the gourmet cuisine that is home cooking. To prevent myself from remaining on the couch for the entirety of the week, I entered into a local road race series that has been a longtime personal favorite of mine. After a truly epic town line race with running friends of my Dad’s on Saturday morning, I hit the streets of Lawrence Sunday afternoon to race in the annual Claddagh Pub 4-miler. The course is an out and back loop with a truly daunting hill comprising the entire second mile. In the past, this hill has always been a pain to run on; funnily enough, after months and months of mountain-climbing just to reach my 11:00 Montserrat, the hill really wasn’t that bad this time.

Seriously, I don't plan to look this good while running.

The rest of the week passed pretty quietly, with two minor events. The first was a trip to the dentist, to whom I would like to say: Yes, my gums do in fact tend to bleed when they’re poked with an iron hook, thank you very much. Second, and I HAVE to mention this, was the release of Bruce Springsteen’s utterly  outstanding and amazing album, Wrecking Ball. Seriously, if you haven’t listened to it yet, put down whatever you’re doing and fix that.

Then, the day before classes resumed, I returned to race the well-known streets of my hometown for the annual Hynes Tavern 5-miler (if you’ve noticed a pattern in that the races are sponsored by local bars, know that they’re Irish themed races based around St. Patrick’s Day… no more need be said). I was fast enough -or stupid enough?- to place in my age bracket for both races, and hysterically, the prize for both was a high quality beer mug. Again: Irish races.

Actually.....Strike that. I might.

After a fantastic week home, though, it was good to be back up on the Hill again. There’s more races featuring even bigger hills to practice for, let’s not forget. As I climbed up to my dorm carrying my bags and such, the hills almost seemed a warm welcome back. The Organic Chemistry test waiting for me at 8am this morning…..That’s another story.

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