Student Blogs

‘Sader Nation Goes on Vacation

July 23rd, 2012 apcook15


Happy summer everyone! It’s been an unforgettable one thus far and there’s still about a month left before school starts but it’s high-time for an update on this.
There’s been enough material to write a book about during the two months since the semester ended, and the opening line would be plagiarized from A Tale of Two Cities’, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” 

Since I’m a “best of times” kind of guy, though, prepare yourself for this blog to suddenly transform itself into a travel magazine. Sit back and relax as Holy Cross (and/or unofficial representatives of it) goes to Disney World!!!
My family and I have made intermittent trips to The Most Magical Place on Earth over the last decade or so, and the photo albums from those trips have pretty accurately tracked my sister’s and my growth over that time. This year marked the first time we were all able to sport some ‘Sader gear and there was no way we were missing the opportunity to put it proudly on display. I made double sure every family member had purple and white tucked securely away in the luggage before takeoff, patiently waiting to be worn in the fabled Florida heat. As the following pictures clearly show, the clothes frequently got the attention they deserved.

Hogwarts in the middle of Orlando looks strangely similar to the Fenwick and O'Kane towers....

A sample of the local wizarding beverages. Non-alcoholic, of course.


Got butterbeer? Yes. On my nose? Ashamedly.

All that butterbeer had to be run off the next day.

Running alone through EPCOT. Yes, it is as spectacular as it sounds.

The run was stopped for a minute as The Crusaders squared off against some Vikings. It was a short fight.

All that running can wear even a college kid out. If only I could get one of these in a dorm room now...

I can't seem to get out of a classroom, even in Disney World.


It's like I'm right back at Kimball. Without the lines!

Moves from The Edge come in handy during an African street shows, turns out.


It doesn't really get much better than this. Seriously.


Unless, of course, you bring some friends.

To finish, I'll borrow a quote from a certain famous mouse friend of ours: "So long everyone, see ya real soon!"



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