Student Blogs

(Class of 20)18 or older to call…

August 6th, 2014 apcook15

2nd blog of the summer (and very possibly the last one I’ll write this side of 21), on a topic that I couldn’t be more enthusiastic about. It’s no secret how passionate I am about all things Holy Cross; three years in, I count this blog as a failure if that passion hasn’t shone through by now. Without sounding too doom and gloom and harping on it, the future of that passion as I head once more unto the breach is something I think about more than’d be decent to admit. So it’s always special for me – and I really do mean that – seeing that same Purple Pride in the incoming freshman class; it’s weird, but it’s nice to know HC is still gonna be fine, LONG after I’ve walked across that Fitton Field stage.

So for the 2nd year in a row, it was my absolute pleasure to help my local Merrimack Valley Alumni Association welcome the incoming Class of 2018! With an invite from fellow English major Martha McGuane, Class of ’77, it was over to North Andover’s St. Michael’s Parish this last weekend to meet with the newest members of ‘Sader Nation.

Know what, this is worthy enough for a cake. But maybe I'm not the best judge... I think waking up in the morning is worthy cause for one, most days.

Know what, this is worthy enough for a cake. But maybe I’m not the best judge… I consider waking up in the morning is worthy enough cause for one, most days.

Here they are, ladies and gents! Merrimack Valley's best and brightest, all in one convenient photograph

Here they are, ladies and gents! Merrimack Valley’s best and brightest, all in one convenient photograph

Remember these names, dear readers, because these’ll be some of the ones making headlines in the next few years (and I mean that in a good way): give the best, biggest Holy Cross welcome you can to Mr. Mike Gallaner, Mr. Joe Cataldo, Mr. Daniel Daley, Mr. Nick Guarracino, Mr. Will Cassella, Ms. Catherine Curran, Ms. Martina Umunna and Ms. Laura McElroy!

With about three weeks till freshman move-in day, and with the roommate and dorm pairings having just been announced, there were some obvious last-minute questions on people’s minds; after an entire summer answering similar inquiries in my position as an Admissions’ tour guide, it was a pleasure being able to do my part relieving any tension. To any other incoming freshman, yes – everything now DOES seem like it’s happening at once, I remember all too well. But don’t let the stress of everything overshadow one crucially important fact: you’re going to college! These are THOSE four years that everyone always talks about throughout their lives, and as someone for whom 3/4 of it has already happened, I can justifiably say, they ain’t lying one bit. So remember to enjoy every shower caddy purchase and Bed Bath ‘n Beyond splurge you’ve got coming, because it’s all gonna be worth it in just a few short weeks.



There were also a plethora of other past and present Crusaders on-hand to welcome in the new kids on the block, and my genuine hope is that, by the end of the day, the Class of ’18 were as excited as I was to be heading up to the Hill.

This is what I believe they in the trade refer to as a “money shot.”


So long now to all, my hope is that I’ll be able to get back on to this in the next few weeks before move-in into Williams Dorm for a final summer check-in. If not, I hope the rest of the summer’s a great one, and I’ll be seeing you all back on the Hill soon!

One Response to “(Class of 20)18 or older to call…”

  1. Martha McGuane says:

    Love it, Andrew! You are the best for great press! I love the picture your Dad took of you at the head of the table with the Currans and the Cataldos! Nice work! Great teamwork or Cookware!

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