Student Blogs

Bowties Are Cool

November 17th, 2014 apcook15

Last Friday was a BIG mile marker on the way to graduation next spring, one that came in the midst of a week of “lasts.” I had my last class registration last Monday, took my senior cap’n’gown portraits, and experienced my last football game on Fitton Field as a current Crusader. Throw that in with a little sister interviewing at the Admissions department and a mind-blowing lecture on the cosmos from visiting guest lecturer and astrophysicist extraordinaire Neil deGrasse Tyson *gasps for air* and it all makes for a pretty insane schedule. It was high time then, to loosen up the tie and relax – except in this case, that meant tightening the tie, actually. The bowtie, to be specific (because bowties are cool). This is all a roundabout way of my saying SENIOR BALL TIME!!

"♫  And as long as I got my suit and tie/I'ma leave it all on the floor tonight/And you got fixed up to the nines/Let me show you a few things♫"

“♫  And as long as I got my suit and tie/I’ma leave it all on the floor tonight/And you got fixed up to the nines/Let me show you a few things♫”

All kinds of star power going on here

All kinds of star power going on here

MVC buds

MVC buds

We clean up mighty nice

We clean up mighty nice

Cousins make the best wingmen.

Cousins make the best wingmen.

This is why I'm usually not invited to these kinds of things

It’s reasons like this why I’m usually not invited to these kinds of things

How's this compare to life abroad, Shea?

We smile for the cameras –


– but really, we can’t stand each other

Hey Mamma!

Hey Mamma!

What's about to unfold is the shortest, most one-sided fight in human history

What’s about to unfold is the shortest, most one-sided fight in human history

Miss Working for Worcester herself

Miss Working for Worcester herself

I WILL find my way into your photos, and they WILL be bombed.

I WILL find my way into your photos, and they WILL be bombed.

Harry and I with the happiest girl on campus (and fellow Disney nut) Jess Bailot

My roommate Harry and I with the happiest girl on campus (and fellow Disney nut) Jess Bailot

The Gladiator Squad, reuinted

The Gladiator Squad, reunited. Venimus, Vidimus, Vincimus.

The marathon runner and the fella who patches him up in the EMT med tents along the race course. You're (literally) a life-saver Mr. Safran!

The marathon runner and the fella who patches him up in the EMT med tents along the race course. You’re (literally) a life-saver Mr. Safran!

Ben, clearly itching to get started with dinner

Ben, clearly itching to get started with dinner

Shea and her boys

Shea and her boys

Gentlemen of Williams 506

Gentlemen of Williams 506

These dances, man. They kill you.

This is what a crash after four hours of dancing looks like.

Shaken... Not stirred.

Shaken… Not stirred.

It’s pretty surreal now that it’s all over… that’s a big senior year event now fading away in the rearview mirror. Allons-y though, and always forward and up! Thanks to everyone who made it the all-out party it was, I wish we did it more often! I’ll be checking in after Thanksgiving, so until then, happy turkey hunting!!

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